Home Safety Advice From The Experts

If you’re a homeowner worrying about home safety can drive you crazy. Being constantly worried about break-ins, vandalism, floods, hurricanes, or other severe weather can leave you feeling stressed to the max. That is why there are things that the experts want to make sure you understand about securing your home to make sure you don’t find yourself in an unfortunate situation. Insurance companies are always looking to keep the number of claims they get and payouts they give at a low amount, so they are always willing to sit down with their clients to provide some much-needed advice about home security. If you’re looking for a new home insurance quotes or a new provider Truway Insurance in Lake Worth could be a great option. With their endless resources and team of experts, they are guaranteed to provide the best service and the best price.

The Top Home Safety Tips

There are a lot of things that homeowners can do to ensure the safety of their home, but a lot are overlooked because they seem to be common sense. However, many experts find that a large percentage of owners aren’t following these simple tips.

  • Make Sure All Smoke Detectors Work: This may seem like something you should check every month, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t continually monitor their smoke alarms or don’t have them installed at all. If you hear a constant beeping from the alarm that means the batteries need to be changed or if there is a spot on the ceiling that looks like it used to be home to an alarm you should put one back up. Making sure your home is properly set up to alert you of a fire is an essential part of making sure it’s safe.


  • Pay Attention To Your Roof: Depending on the type of roof your home has it will probably need to be replaced every 20 to 30 years. If you have been in your home this long, it’s important to hire a reputable contractor who specializes in roofing to come out and take a look at the condition of your roof. The most frequent claims insurance agencies see are those that have to deal with severe weather so ignoring problems with your roof can lead to even bigger problems down the road.


  • Get An Automatic Water Shut-Off: The chance that something can go wrong with your pipes over the course of the time is likely the longer you live in your house, which means you should come up with a plan to help avoid any damage that could happen due to a burst pipe. Investing in a smart water system that will automatically shut-off when it senses something is wrong is a great way to save your home from a large amount of damage.


  • Ensure Cybersecurity: As technology becomes a larger part of our world and your home it’s important to know how to protect yourself from online criminals. As more and more people are turning their homes into “smart homes” the potential for being hacking is growing. Once a breach happens a hacker will have access to personal information like bank account information, email passwords, social security numbers, etc. Not only can they gain access to that type of information, but if they can control your smart thermostat, they can turn off your heat while your traveling and leave you at risk for frozen pipes or they can access your security system and disable it to enter the home.

Following these tips are essential for ensuring your home remains safe against all types of criminals. When you are shopping around for home insurance quotes, you should ask all of the providers about how they can help you secure your home!

Contact Us

TrueWay is a leading insurance provider in the Lake Worth area. We are here to help our customers understand home safety and what measures they can take to ensure their home is protected. If you’re tired of shopping around for home insurance quotes, call or visit us today for more information.

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