Safe Driving Tips for Inclement Weather

As you know, driving in Florida during this time of year can get pretty scary. The Sunshine States is suddenly not so sunshiney. The heavy rain seems to have a way to make driving very difficult. Here at Trueway Insurance, our experts want to inform you of safe driving tips that can help you during inclement weather. When it comes to safe driving, we are the ones to trust. Also, be sure to check out our car insurance quotes, Lake Worth.


Tips For Inclement Weather Driving

If you are caught in a spring or summer storm, the following tips can help you and your passengers stay safe:

  • Turn your lights on. Visibility is low during a storm. Turning your lights on lets other drivers see you.
  • Do not tailgate. Leave plenty of room between your car and the vehicle in front of you.
  • Avoid bridges. They are more likely to collapse during a severe thunderstorm or tornado. If you have to go over a bridge, wait for the storm to pass.
  • Never try to outrun a storm. Their paths are unpredictable and can switch directions at any time. Pullover to the side of the road and seek shelter, either in the lowest level of a nearby building or at the lowest point of the ground, lying down, and covering your head with your hands. Do not take shelter under a vehicle, in a tunnel, or under a bridge.
  • Check your auto insurance coverage. Our experienced agents can help you find the car insurance quotes you need at the best available rates.


We Promote Safe Driving

During the warmer months, drivers may encounter a variety of hazardous conditions related to inclement weather. Be sure to do the following when it is raining outside:

  • Slow down by at least 5 or 10 miles an hour. At certain speeds, your car can hydroplane, lifting off the ground, and you will be driving on a layer of water. If that happens, don’t panic; just slow down until the car feels normal again.
  • Avoid driving through flooded areas. It will be challenging to gauge the water’s depth. This is dangerous in itself. And if water gets sucked into the air-intake valve and then the engine, the car will probably shut off.
  • Feather the brakes after you’ve driven through a puddle. And make sure you take your foot off the gas. This creates heat and friction, which will help dry the brakes.


Call Us Today for Car Insurance Quotes

We want you to practice safe driving! Trueway Insurance is an insurance company located in Lake Worth. We offer the best affordable insurance in Florida. This includes those looking for cheap home insurance. We are here to provide quality for our customers because we believe in the power that insurance can have in any person’s life. If you are interested in learning more about what we can do for you or you have further questions regarding notaries and how they play a part in the insurance process, contact us. We hope you find the information you need here but if not please give us a call at (561) 318-5540. Take advantage of one of the best insurance companies today!

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