What To Look For In An Auto Insurance Plan

Getting the right auto insurance is a big deal. That’s why you will see people heading to car insurance comparison websites. Comparing car insurance quotes hoping to snag the best deal on a policy there is out there. While these sites are life savers, and have some handy information. Sometimes they don’t tell you the full story. Unless you know exactly what it is your looking at, you may miss some crucial information. So then, how can you compare auto insurance quotes and know exactly what it is you’re looking at? Here at Trueway Insurance located in Palm Spring, we want to explain all of that to you now!




While getting the lowest price on car insurance may seem appealing. It’s not always the best way to go about it. If your company begins to start failing on paying claims, your money invested for the policy will be completely wasted. This is why you need to check companies reputations as well.


Typically the easiest and most effective way to look up companies is through objective sources.

A.M. Best, is recognized as the number one rating agency for the insurance industry.


The rating system goes as follows. A++, and A+ would be considered the best out there. A, and A- would your second best bet. B++ and B+ are also fine choices. After that anything below B++ and B+ could represent a company that is struggling financially. Typically these companies will fail to pay claims, or only pay partially.


Asking around is also a viable option. If you know anyone that has had experience with an insurance company you may be looking at. They are more likely to know the pros and cons to going with their service.


Another step you may wanna take is to get in touch with the Better Business Bureau. Look for any complaints that the insurance company has had. Specifically those that have to do with failure to make payments on claims. To many of those and you will get an idea of what kind of company it is.


Compare Car Insurance Quotes From Multiple Insurance Companies

It is in your best interest to get quotes from around four to five insurance companies at a time. This helps you specifically target outliers and research them more in depthly. For example, the majority of the companies are quoting around the same price per month. Except for one who is drastically slashing that price. That gives you the greenlight to do a bit more research onto that specific company. There is a chance they are excluding certain coverages. So while it may sound like a great idea to get a lower price. You may not be getting the best service in return.


Contact Us

Trueway Insurance knows how important it is to compare car insurance quotes. That’s why we do our best to give you the knowledge you need to make a great decision! We are located in Palm Spring, FL so Call or visit us today.

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Trueway Insurance has been providing excellent services to the community since 2012. Our goal is to establish a lasting relationship with our clients, this can only be achieved by providing reliable services, while saving thousands of dollars in your Auto, Home and Business insurance.

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